big Axial

About Us

We are a construction project management and real estate debenture investment company. We offer debentures with up to 13%PA in USD and up to 17% PA for Naira. We invest in Canadian & Nigerian real asset class for: Student housing, hotel apartments, multi-family residential apartments, commercial plazas and construction developments. With us, investors with smaller capital can access bigger projects for bigger profits securely.


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Investments' Group

It’s been said that those who wish to invest wisely invariably turn to real estate. It is also widely known that more wealth has been created in real estate than in any other medium. What is far less well known, is that by participating in large real estate ventures rather than smaller ones, more lasting wealth can be accumulated, more quickly, and with less effort- and in many cases, with no effort at all.

From Land acquisition, to design, development, sales and management, we identify projects with high commercial upsides, and we manage the entire process for accredited investors in our circle.


Nigerian & Canadian fixed income debenture

Our offshore investments’ division offers investors access to Income-focused returns in Nigeria and Canada, these strategies may suit cautious investors seeking attractive levels of income with a measure of downside protection against short-term capital cycles. We provide accredited investors with the opportunity to preserve wealth for their families in Canada and hedge against local economic and currency volatility. We manage and preserve their wealth in fixed income portfolios while offering a Canadian residency and a second passport to their families with visa free travel to over 165 countries.


Canadian & Nigerian real estate debentures with up to 13%PA in USD and 17%PA in Naira

Dedicated private account concierge for personalized financial services.

Business & Investors family passports for Canada, USA, Cyprus, Antigua, Grenada and more, with access to 165 countries without the requirement to apply for a visa

Canadian hotel apartment investments with mortgages from as low as 4.5% annually

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